Oregon Dept. of State Lands
Emergency Messages as of 9:16 pm, Fri. Jul. 26
No information currently posted.
News Release
Community Listening Sessions on the Forest Management Plan for the Elliott State Research Forest - 07/03/24

A series of virtual and in-person listening sessions in July 2024

SALEM, Ore. – The Department of State Lands is hosting a series of online and in-person listening sessions open to community to learn more and share feedback on the draft Forest Management Plan for the Elliott State Research Forest.

The listening sessions are held during the 45-day comment period on the draft plan, which is available for review and comment from June 12 – July 28, 2024. Submit comments to elliottproject.dsl@oregon.gov and learn more at: www.oregon.gov/dsl/Pages/Elliott.aspx 

Upcoming listening sessions will be held on:

Monday July 15 in Salem (hybrid)
6:00 - 7:30 p.m.

Join us online at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4027789701?pwd=aXh4RlU4T3R0SlJSS3JoaExPT2FuQT09&omn=87402642822 

 -or- join us in person:

Land Board Room at the DSL Office
775 Summer St. NE, Suite 100
Salem, OR 97301-1279

Tuesday, July 16 in Coos Bay (in-person only)
6:00 - 7:30 p.m.

Join us in-person at:
Myrtlewood Room at the Coos Bay Public Library
525 Anderson Avenue
Coos Bay, OR 97420

Thursday, July 18 (Virtual - afternoon)
12:00 - 1:30 p.m.

Join us online at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4027789701?pwd=aXh4RlU4T3R0SlJSS3JoaExPT2FuQT09&omn=83893900663 

Thursday, July 18 (Virtual - evening)
6:00 - 7:30 p.m.

Join us online at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4027789701?pwd=aXh4RlU4T3R0SlJSS3JoaExPT2FuQT09&omn=83533559992 

To join the virtual and hybrid sessions by phone or online, here is the additional access information:

Meeting ID: 402 778 9701
Phone #: 1 669 444 9171 (U.S.)
Passcode to attend by phone: 81258223
Passcode to attend online: FMP2024!

About the State Land Board and the Department of State Lands: The State Land Board consists of Governor Tina Kotek, Secretary of State LaVonne Griffin-Valade, and State Treasurer Tobias Read. Established by the Oregon Constitution in 1859, the Land Board oversees the state’s Common School Fund. The Department of State Lands is the Land Board’s administrative agency, managing the lands and resources that help fund Oregon’s public schools and protecting the state’s waterways and wetlands for the many benefits they provide.

