Salem Police Dept.

Emergency Messages as of 6:23 AM, Wed. Feb 19

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News Release

Armed Man Arrested After Brief Standoff (Photo) -02/17/25

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                 

DATE: February 17, 2025


Armed man arrested after brief standoff


Salem, Ore. -- Salem Police officers arrested Mark Arthur Coutis of Salem on February 14, on charges of stalking, menacing, and unlawful use of a weapon.


At approximately 7:30 p.m., Friday night, officers responded to the report of an armed man who stood in the street in the 1500 block of Ruge ST NW yelling and brandishing a handgun. He fled before police arrived.


Soon after, officers contacted the suspect, identified as Coutis, but he refused to exit. After nearly two hours of negotiations with a trained crisis negotiator, he surrendered and was taken into custody. Officers seized six firearms from Coutis' residence.


The 55-year-old Coutis is currently lodged at the Polk County Jail on the above-listed charges and two outstanding warrants in other unrelated cases.


All further inquiries into the case must be directed to the Polk County District Attorney's Office.


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One Arrested In Menacing, Bias Crime Incident (Photo) -02/10/25

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                 

DATE: February 10, 2025


One arrested in menacing, bias crime incident


Salem, Ore. -- A Salem man was arrested Sunday afternoon, February 9, after menacing a family with a firearm.


Salem Police patrol officers responded to a call in the 2100 block of Coral AV NE just after 5:00 p.m. concerning a man who brandished a shotgun at two adults and a young girl who waited for a tow truck.


The suspect, identified as Jonathan Mauris Haun of Salem, approached the Hispanic family with the weapon in hand and shouted racially-charged remarks.


The 27-year-old Haun was arrested without incident and lodged at the Marion County Jail on the following charges:

  • Menacing, three counts
  • Bias crime, first-degree, three counts
  • Unlawful use of a weapon, three counts

The shotgun used in the incident was located by officers and seized.


Haun is set to be arraigned today at 2:30 p.m. at the Marion County Circuit Court Annex.


We encourage Salem residents to report bias-motivated incidents to police. Whether threats to personal safety or hate speech, either verbal or in the form of graffiti, these incidents should be reported immediately so that an officers can investigate.


Acts of bias or hate can also be reported to the Oregon Department of Justice Bias Response Hotline at 1-844-924-2427. Reports can also be filed online.


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Four Arrested In Robbery, Assault Incident -02/10/25

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                 

DATE: February 10, 2025


Four arrested in robbery, assault incident


Salem, Ore. -- Four young adults were arrested Saturday night for their role in a robbery and assault incident.


Just after 8:30 p.m. on February 8, officers responded to the call of several men assaulting a man outside a convenience store in the 2000 block of State ST. Multiple callers reported the suspects were hitting the man on the ground with their fists. Witnesses reported the suspects took items belonging to the victim and sped away from the scene in a sedan.


The victim, a 34-year-old Keizer resident, was transported to Salem Health with multiple, non-life-threatening injuries.


Officers learned the incident arose after a road rage encounter involving the victim and one of the suspects.


The involved vehicle was located less than a mile away from the store at an apartment complex in the area of 25th ST and Hyde CT SE. Officers contacted the suspects at one of the units, and all four were taken into custody without incident.


The following individuals were arrested and lodged at the Marion County Jail on charges of third-degree assault, second-degree robbery, and second-degree theft:

  • Jose Alfredo Essmith Martinez, age 18
  • Noe Samuel Hernandez Cordova, age 18
  • Johvani De Jesus Martinez, age 19
  • Erik Antonio Muro, age 18

All four men face arraignment today at 2:30 p.m. at the Marion County Circuit Court Annex.


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Street Takeover Closes Northeast Salem Intersection Saturday Night, Five Arrested (Photo) -02/07/25

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                 

DATE: February 7, 2025


Arrests made, cars towed in follow-up investigations


Update 02/07/2025 | 1000


Strategic Investigation Unit detectives made two arrests yesterday, February 6, as they conduct follow-up investigations involving incidents that occurred during the street takeover on February 1 at the intersection of Lancaster DR and Market ST NE.


Miguel Garcia-Ramirez, age 27, and Armando Castaneda-Lopez, age 30, both of Salem, were arrested for their participation in the reckless vehicle display of speed. Their vehicles were used to perform dangerous burnouts in the roadway. Garcia-Ramirez and Castaneda-Lopez were lodged at the Marion County Jail.

Garcia-Ramirez's charges include:

  • Organizing a speed racing event
  • Conspiracy to commit reckless driving
  • Disorderly conduct, second-degree
  • Criminal mischief, third-degree

Castaneda-Lopez's charges include:

  • Organizing a speed racing event
  • Reckless driving
  • Disorderly conduct, second-degree
  • Criminal mischief, third-degree

The 2019 Dodge Charger owned by Garcia-Ramirez and the 1999 BMW 328 owned by Castaneda-Lopez were towed.


The specialty team will continue their follow-up investigations on various complaints of criminal activity that occurred that Saturday night. The media release will be updated with other arrests as they are made.


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Originally published 02/02/2025 | 1330


Street takeover closes northeast Salem intersection Saturday night, five arrested


Salem, Ore. -- The intersection of Lancaster DR and Market ST NE was closed at about 8:45 p.m. on Saturday, February 1 after the area was taken over illegally by a crowd of people and vehicles.


At approximately 12:00 p.m., a crowd of people gathered in the parking lots of several businesses on the four corners of the intersection of Lancaster DR and Market ST NE. The group was demonstrating against national immigration enforcement efforts.


By 2:00 p.m., the group was estimated to have 300 participants. The gathered remained relatively peaceful, although traffic in the area was congested. As the event progressed, callers reported participants throwing objects and hitting passing cars.


Eventually, more police resources were called in to address the event.


Other reports were received at about 7:00 p.m. of participants standing in the crosswalk not allowing traffic to continue, fireworks being ignited, and vehicles driving recklessly. At this point further police resources were necessary, including calling in officers from home and requesting outside agency assistance.


At about 8:30 p.m., the intersection was overtaken by drivers performing burnouts and dangerously drifting and spinning in the roadway, and nearly 50 people occupying the street.


The intersection was closed shortly afterward with north and southbound Lancaster DR closed between D ST and Sunnyview RD, east and westbound Market ST was closed between Fisher RD and Tierra DR. Cherriots buses were rerouted. Oregon State Police temporarily closed the Market ST offramp.


As specialized crowd management officers from the Mobile Response Team (MRT) arrived, the group surrounded a vehicle on Lancaster DR blocking all northbound traffic. The officers cleared the area allowing the vehicle to proceed. The protestors threw water bottles and cans of beer at Salem Police vehicles.


MRT and patrol officers contacted individuals observed engaging in criminal activity and seized one handgun.


The following five individuals were arrested on various charges including reckless driving and disorderly conduct:

  • Abram Michael Delao, age 19, Salem
  • Martin Andrew Gonzalez, age 34, Salem
  • Joshua Alexander Perez, age 18, Salem
  • Martin Arturo Galvez-Prado, age 34, Salem
  • Angel Sierra Ramos, age 30, Salem

Galvez-Prado faces an added charge of unlawful possession of a firearm.


The remaining crowd gathered on the sidewalks dispersed slowly, and traffic diminished, allowing the street closures to be lifted at approximately 11:00 p.m.


There were no reported injuries; however, officers will be conducting follow up investigations on several complaints of criminal mischief.


Salem Police Chief Trevor Womack remarked, "Saturday's unruly protest, along with other emergency calls including an armed kidnapping, strained our limited patrol staffing resources. Multiple Salem officers were called in from home and partner agencies also responded to ensure safety was maintained and criminal offenders were appropriately held accountable.


"I am very proud of the work our officers accomplished under challenging and dangerous circumstances, yesterday's events just being the most recent examples. I want to thank them and our regional partners for their service, dedication, and professionalism."


For this incident, the Salem Police Department received assistance with traffic control from the Oregon State Police, and the Keizer Police Department assisted by handling calls in the city while patrol officers, MRT, and Strategic Investigations Unit detectives addressed the street take over and disorder.


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Public Appeal For Help Locating Missing, Endangered Salem Woman (Photo) -02/07/25

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                 

DATE: December 27, 2024

Public appeal for help locating missing, endangered Salem woman


Salem, Ore. -- The Salem Police Department asks for the public's help in locating a missing, endangered woman, Priscilla Joann Aldana of Salem.


Priscilla was reported missing on Monday, December 23; however, was last known to be in the area of Lancaster DR and Hagers Grove RD SE at approximately 4 p.m. on Friday, December 20.


Priscilla is a 43-year-old Hispanic woman with black, curly hair and brown eyes. She is approximately 5??'foot, 8??'inches in height and has a slender build.


Priscilla left her minor children and is without medication which she needs.


Anyone who sees Priscilla is asked to call the Salem Police Tip Line at 503-588-8477.


"Several posters are circulating asking the public to call alternate phone numbers and email addresses," said public information officer Angela Hedrick, adding, "However, it is important that the public specifically call the Salem Police Tip Line so that the information is received by the detectives handling the case."


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Adult Posing As Teen Arrested On Multiple Sex Crimes Charges (Photo) -02/07/25

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                 

DATE: January 2, 2025

Adult posing as teen arrested on multiple sex crimes charges

Detectives search for other possible victims


Salem, Ore. -- Salem Police Special Victims Unit detectives arrested Salem resident Jeramey Lee Braman on December 31, 2024, on charges of second-degree sex abuse (nine counts), third-degree rape, and third-degree sodomy.


Braman became the focus of an investigation after detectives received a report he was posing as a minor on social media to meet teen girls.

Detectives are seeking additional information for anyone who had contact with Braman and are releasing his photograph, description, and usernames which he used to contact minor girls.


Braman, age 24, is 5-feet, 2-inches tall, has brown hair and brown eyes, and a slender build. He was an active SnapChat and Instagram user under the names lil j or jbraman0 or yaboylilj. He drives newer model, white sedans.


Anyone who has had similar incidents involving Braman, or who may have information relevant to the case, is asked to call Detective Cort Kirksey at 503-540-2418.


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Serial Burglar In Custody (Photo) -02/07/25

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                 

DATE: January 15, 2025



Serial burglar in custody


Salem, Ore. -- On Tuesday, January 14, Felony Crimes Unit detectives arrested Johnathan Dale Korrell of Salem on charges of burglary and theft related to a five-week investigation into a series of northeast Salem business burglaries.


The first burglary occurred on December 2, 2024, with five other incidents occurring in the weeks that followed.

With the assistance of the Salem Police SWAT Team, detectives served a search warrant at a residence in the 500 block of Locust ST NE. Recovered in the search were multiple pieces of property stolen in the burglaries which have a conservative aggregate value of $100,000.


Korrell, who was inside the Locust ST residence, was arrested without incident and lodged at the Marion County Jail on the following charges:

  • Burglary, first-degree, three counts
  • Burglary, second-degree, three counts
  • Attempt to commit burglary, second-degree
  • Theft, first-degree, three counts
  • Aggravated theft, first-degree, two counts
  • Criminal mischief, first-degree

The investigation is ongoing and no further information is available for release.


The 36-year-old Korrell is set to be arraigned today at 2:30 p.m. at the Marion County Circuit Annex.


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Wanted Suspect Shot During Arrest Attempt -02/07/25

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                 

DATE: January 22, 2025


Wanted suspect shot during arrest attempt


Salem, Ore. -- Late this morning, two Salem Police officers were involved in a use of force incident resulting in the death of a suspect.


At approximately 11:30 a.m. officers were in a foot pursuit of a wanted adult male suspect. The suspect fled into an apartment complex near the 3200 block of River Road North and toward a residential unit while armed with a handgun. The officers confronted the suspect and shots were fired. The suspect was struck. Despite life-saving measures employed by responding officers, the suspect died at the scene.


No officers were injured in the incident.  


The names of the suspect and the officers involved will not be released at this time.


The Marion County Law Enforcement Officer Deadly Use of Force Plan under Senate Bill 111 has been initiated for this incident, and the Oregon State Police will be conducting the primary investigation.


Additionally, per the use of force plan protocol, all future case updates will be provided by the Oregon State Police.


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Collision Leads To Discovery Of Deceased Body -02/07/25

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                 

DATE: January 30, 2025


Collision leads to discovery of deceased body


Salem, Ore. -- Salem Police Violent Crimes Unit detectives are investigating the death of a Salem resident after Polk County Sheriff's Office deputies discovered a body in the wreckage of crash in Polk County.


At approximately 6:30 a.m. on Monday, January 27, Polk County Sheriff's Office deputies responded to a single-vehicle rollover collision in the 10000 block of Corvallis RD in Independence. The driver, identified as Tyler Andrew Holman, age 39 of Salem, was located with injuries and transported for medical care.


Deputies also discovered the body of a deceased woman. The circumstances at the scene suggested that she was not killed in the car accident, rather, her body was being transported at the time of the crash.


An autopsy performed by the Oregon State Medical Examiner determined that the woman's cause of death was from a gunshot wound and manner of death to be homicide. The victim is identified as Ashley Jean Gandolfi, age 35.


The investigation into Gandolfi's death led detectives to a residence in the 1600 block of Acacia DR S where Holman resides. Gandolfi and Holman were previously in a romantic relationship.


Holman was released from Salem Health today, January 30, and arrested on the following charges:

  • Murder, second-degree
  • Tampering with evidence
  • Abuse of a corpse, second-degree

The investigation is ongoing and no other information is available for release.


With Holman in custody at the Marion County Jail, all further media inquiries are to be directed to the Marion County District Attorney's Office.

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Police Search For Woman, Child Abducted By Armed Ex-boyfriend -02/07/25

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                 

DATE: February 2, 2025


Police search for woman, child abducted by armed ex-boyfriend


Salem, Ore. -- At approximately 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 1, a woman and her young child were reported as being abducted from her apartment in southeast Salem by her estranged boyfriend.


Officers learned the suspect, identified as Javier B. Munoz, Jr., entered the apartment at gunpoint at approximately 3:00 a.m. that morning, keeping the victim and child inside. About 12 hours later, Munoz made threats to the victim, compelling her to leave with him and the child.


While actively searching for Munoz and the victim, a caller reported a man and woman struggling over a child in the 400 block of Hawthorne AV NE. Officers arrived and learned the incident involved Munoz and the victim. Munoz, who was reported to have a handgun, fled with the child on foot toward Geer Community Park.


Patrol officers flooded the area in search of the pair. The Salem Police SWAT Team and officers from multiple regional agencies provided assistance in an extensive two-and-a-half-hour search using canines and unmanned aircraft systems, commonly known as drones.


Munoz and the child were ultimately located concealed beneath a trailer in the area of Oregon AV and Bell RD NE. The young child was uninjured and safely returned to their mother.


Javier Munoz, age 45 of Salem, was arrested on multiple related charges including first-degree kidnapping, menacing, unlawful use of a weapon, and burglary. He is currently lodged at the Polk County Jail related to multiple outstanding warrants from other cases in that county.


The Salem Police Department extends its thanks to the Marion County Sheriff's Office, the Oregon State Police, and the Woodburn Police Department for their assistance in the search for and apprehension of Munoz. Patrol resources were limited due to other emergency calls for service and an immigration protest occurring during the same time period.


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Driver In Hit-and-run Fatality Surrenders To Authorities -- UPDATE 3 -02/05/25

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                 

DATE: February 5, 2025

CONTACT: Salem Police Communications Office |





Driver in hit-and-run fatality surrenders to authorities

Update 02/05/2025 | 1230


Micah Lee Blacksmith, age 34 of Salem, turned herself in to the Polk County Jail on Tuesday, February 4. Blacksmith was the driver involved in a collision with pedestrian, Steven Craig Bishop, on December 23, 2024, in west Salem. Bishop died at the scene.


Blacksmith was taken into custody on the charge of failure to perform the duties of a driver to injured person.


The Polk County District Attorney's Office is handling the case, and all media inquiries should be directed to that agency.


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Overnight death investigation in west Salem

Investigation determined a hit-and-run fatality


Update 12/30/2024 | 0830

The preliminary investigation done by the Traffic Team determined the man found in the roadway on the evening of December 23 was struck by a vehicle that left the scene. The victim, identified as Steven Craig Bishop, was pronounced deceased by responding paramedics.


The hit-and-run fatality occurred on Murlark AV just north of Edgewater ST NW at about 8:30 p.m.


Video surveillance near the area where Bishop was found shows a passing motorist minutes before the call to police was received. In the recording, a white vehicle is seen traveling eastbound on Edgewater ST NW as it approaches Murlark AV NW. The vehicle appears to be a Jeep Grand Cherokee, possibly a 2015 or 2016 model year.


Investigators ask for the public's help in finding this vehicle of interest.


If you are the driver, know the person driving in the video, or if you have information about the case, please call the Traffic Team investigators at 503-588-8477.


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Originally published 12/24/2024 | 1200

Overnight death investigation in west Salem

Salem, Ore. -- At approximately 8:30 p.m. Monday evening, December 23, Salem Police officers responded to the call of an injured man found in the roadway in the area of Murlark AV and Edgewater ST NW.


The man, age 63, was pronounced deceased at the scene by paramedics. The name of the victim is being withheld pending notification to the family.


The Salem Police Traffic Team is investigating the incident as a possible hit-and-run. Anyone who may have information related to this investigation is encouraged to call the Salem Police Tips Line at 503??'588??'8477.


The intersection was closed for three-and-a-half hours for the scene investigation.


No further information is available for release at this time.

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Pedestrian Struck, Killed By Bus In Downtown Salem -01/22/25

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                 

DATE: January 22, 2025


Pedestrian struck, killed by bus in downtown Salem


Salem, Ore. -- Just after 1:00 p.m. today, Salem Police and other emergency personnel responded to the intersection of Union and High STS NE on the report of a pedestrian struck by a Cherriots bus.


The preliminary investigation by the Salem Police Traffic Team indicates the driver of the transit bus was traveling westbound on Union ST and initiated a right-hand turn onto northbound High ST, striking a pedestrian in the crosswalk on the northeast corner of the intersection.


The bus driver brought the bus to a stop a short distance away from the intersection. The driver and occupants of the bus attempted to render aid to the pedestrian; however, he was pronounced deceased at the scene.


The pedestrian is identified as Joseph Eugene Chandler, age 68, of Salem.


The Cherriots bus driver, John Paul Valdez, age 63, of Albany, remained on scene and cooperated with the investigation.


The Traffic Team investigation continues, and as such, no citations have been issued or arrest made.


Through traffic in the area was closed for approximately two hours for the investigation.


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Detectives Investigate Early Morning Arson Incident (Photo) -01/20/25


DATE: January 20, 2025 


Detectives investigate early morning arson incident 


Salem, Ore. — At approximately 3:45 a.m. today, Salem police and firefighters responded to reports of a car fire at the Tesla dealership located at 2755 Mission ST SE. 


The fire was limited to one vehicle which firefighters successfully extinguished. A window panel on the building was also found broken. There were no injuries reported. 


The Salem Police Felony Crimes Unit is investigating the incident as arson. Anyone with information about the case is asked to call the Salem Police Tip Line at 503-588-8477. 


No other information is available for release at this time. 

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