Oregon Housing and Community Services
Emergency Messages as of 4:19 am, Sat. Jul. 27
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News Releases
The Lawrence apartments in Portland, Oregon
The Lawrence apartments in Portland, Oregon
Oregon Housing and Community Services awarded more than $11 million to increase energy efficiency in affordable housing (Photo) - 07/22/24

Part of a nearly $200 million Climate Pollution Reduction Grant awarded to Oregon

SALEM, Ore. —   Oregon Housing and Community Services is set to receive more than $11 million in federal funding to increase energy efficiency in affordable housing. The award is part of a nearly $200 million federal grant Oregon received from the Environmental Protection Agency. 

“This is the largest climate pollution reduction grant Oregon has ever received,” said OHCS Executive Director Andrea Bell. “The effects of climate change are already among us, and we must assess how we do our work to ensure the state we call home is resilient. As climate evolves, so must our technology and policies. We have got to deliver results that people feel are making their lives better, which calls us to center communities that tend to bear the brunt of climate impacts. We appreciate the leadership of our federal delegation for pushing for these resources.”

“Reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is a critical strategy to mitigate the impacts of climate change,” Governor Tina Kotek said. “When I was Speaker of the House, I fought for ambitious GHG reduction goals. This investment is not only an affirmation of Oregon’s collective efforts to combat climate change, but a significant down payment on our ability to meet our reduction goals with a statewide approach. I want to thank Oregon’s congressional delegation for their partnership in making this key investment happen.”

OHCS’ Multifamily Energy Program (OR-MEP) was part of the team applying for the federal grant. OR-MEP allocates funding to owners and developers of OHCS-funded affordable housing, such as The Lawrence in Portland, to increase energy efficiency in multifamily housing.

“Affordable housing isn’t helpful for residents if utility bills are high. At all of our properties, we look to decrease our residents’ energy burden while lowering our carbon footprint and providing welcoming and well-designed living spaces,” said Ben Pray, Chief Executive Officer at Home First Development, the owner of The Lawrence.

By installing various energy-efficient features, including heat pumps, water heaters, insulation, windows, and interior lighting, The Lawrence has developed a space where the residents can live affordably and with minimal energy burden. The multifamily development provides 96 units of affordable, environmentally friendly living for individuals and families with incomes below 60% of the area median, including a large community of refugees from Myanmar, Bangladesh, and India.

For more information or to apply for the program, visit the OR-MEP website. The deadline for submitting applications is Aug. 30, 2024.

el comunicado de prensa en español

About Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS)
OHCS is Oregon's housing finance agency. The state agency provides financial and program support to create and preserve opportunities for quality, affordable housing for Oregonians of and moderate income. OHCS administers programs that provide housing stabilization. OHCS delivers these programs primarily through grants, contracts, and loan agreements with local partners and community-based providers. For more information, please visit: oregon.gov/ohcs.

Oregon Housing and Community Services responds to the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling allowing cities to ban people from sleeping outdoors - 06/28/24

The United States Supreme Court made its ruling today in City of Grants Pass, Oregon v. Johnson. In response to the decision, Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) Executive Director Andrea Bell issued the following statement.

“For many, we knew this day was coming, and yet it is still devastating. This is a wake-up call for all of us – cities in particular. We cannot succumb to cynicism or confuse this ruling as a mandate. Many of us have either experienced the struggle to make ends meet or know someone who has. In the face of this shared reality, out-of-sight, out-of-mind positions that criminalize sleeping or sheltering in public spaces only exacerbates the experiences of homelessness.

“OHCS’ position remains unchanged – we reject homelessness as an inevitable outcome. Every person, regardless of their background or where they come from, deserves a place to call home. Oregon’s shared values serve as a guidepost of hope and progress. In cities, suburbs, and rural towns across the state, our economies and communities are strongest when everyone’s fundamental needs are met. To the people of Oregon struggling to get by: We see you. We value your life. We will continue to work tirelessly on your behalf.”

In 2023, Oregon prevented more than 9,000 households from becoming homeless, created over 1,000 new shelter beds, and helped some 2,000 people move from homeless to housed. This was done in partnership with Governor Tina Kotek, the Oregon Legislature, numerous state agencies, and many local community partners who implemented the funding and policy developed through the Governor’s homelessness state of emergency (EO 23-02) and the Affordable Housing and Emergency Homelessness Response Package (HB 2001 and HB 5019, 2023).

About Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS)
OHCS is Oregon's housing finance agency. The state agency provides financial and program support to create and preserve opportunities for quality, affordable housing for Oregonians of and moderate income. OHCS administers programs that provide housing stabilization. OHCS delivers these programs primarily through grants, contracts, and loan agreements with local partners and community-based providers. For more information, please visit: oregon.gov/ohcs.


El Departamento de Vivienda y Servicios Comunitarios de Oregon responde a la decisión del Tribunal Supremo de EE.UU. que permite a las ciudades prohibir a la gente dormir al aire libre

El Tribunal Supremo de los Estados Unidos ha dictado hoy sentencia en el caso de la Ciudad de Grants Pass, Oregon contra Johnson. En respuesta a la decisión, la directora ejecutiva del Departamento de Vivienda y Servicios Comunitarios de Oregon (OHCS, por sus siglas en inglés), Andrea Bell, emitió la siguiente declaración.

“Muchos sabíamos que este día llegaría, pero aún así es devastador. Es una llamada de atención para todos nosotros, y para las ciudades en particular. No podemos dejarnos llevar por el cinismo ni confundir esta sentencia con un mandato. Muchos de nosotros hemos experimentado la lucha por llegar a fin de mes o conocemos a alguien que lo ha hecho. Ante esta realidad compartida, las posturas que criminalizan el dormir o refugiarse en espacios públicos sólo empeoraran las experiencias de las personas sin hogar.

“Como departamento estatal, la postura de la OHCS sigue siendo la misma – rechazamos que la falta de vivienda sea un resultado inevitable. Todas las personas, independientemente de su origen o procedencia, merecen un lugar al que llamar hogar.

“En las ciudades, suburbios y pueblos rurales de todo el estado, nuestras economías y comunidades son más fuertes cuando se satisfacen las necesidades fundamentales de todos. A las personas de Oregon que luchan por salir adelante: Los vemos. Valoramos su vida. Seguiremos trabajando incansablemente por ustedes".

En 2023, Oregon evitó que más de 9,000 hogares se quedaran sin hogar, creó más de 1,000 nuevas camas en albergues y ayudó a unas 2,000 personas sin hogar a tener una vivienda. Esto se hizo en colaboración con la gobernadora Tina Kotek, la asamblea legislativa de Oregón, numerosas agencias estatales y muchos socios comunitarios locales que aplicaron la financiación y la política desarrolladas a través del estado de emergencia por la falta de vivienda de la gobernadora (EO 23-02) y el paquete de medidas de vivienda asequible y respuesta de emergencia a la falta de vivienda (HB 2001 y HB 5019, 2023).

Acerca del Departamento de Vivienda y Servicios Comunitarios de Oregon (OHCS)  
OHCS es la agencia de financiación de viviendas de Oregon. La agencia estatal proporciona apoyo financiero y de programas para crear y preservar oportunidades de vivienda a precio asequible y de calidad para los habitantes de Oregon con ingresos bajos y moderados. OHCS administra programas que proporcionan estabilización de la vivienda. OHCS ofrece estos programas principalmente a través de subvenciones, contratos y acuerdos de préstamo con organizaciones locales y proveedores comunitarios. Para obtener más información, visite: oregon.gov/ohcs.