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Se recomienda a los clientes de PGE estar atentos a las estafas con servicios públicos - 07/16/24

Ante los informes de actividad engañosa, los clientes de Portland General Electric (PGE) deben estar atentos a las prácticas fraudulentas comunes y las maneras de protegerse y proteger su información.   

Desde principios de 2024, los clientes han informado más de 1,117 estafas o actividades fraudulentas a asesores del servicio al cliente de PGE, de las cuales 783 se dirigían a clientes residenciales.  

Si bien la mayoría de las prácticas engañosas que se informan a PGE están dirigidas a los clientes residenciales, las empresas, especialmente los propietarios de pequeñas empresas, también están en riesgo. Los estafadores usan diversas técnicas para engañar a los clientes desprevenidos, lo que incluye hacerse pasar por representantes de PGE; realizar llamadas telefónicas; y enviar mensajes de texto, por las redes sociales y de correo electrónico fraudulentos. 

Estos consejos pueden ayudar a los clientes a reconocer las actividades fraudulentas y a protegerse contra ellas. 

PGE nunca pedirá a los clientes que paguen la factura con una tarjeta prepaga, aplicaciones de pago digital, criptomonedas u operaciones directas con instituciones bancarias. 

Regístrese en línea o descargue la aplicación móvil de PGE para controlar el estado de su cuenta y verificar sus métodos de pago aprobados. Los representantes de PGE nunca se comunicarán con los clientes para solicitarles información personal confidencial, como el número del Seguro Social o información bancaria. 

Sospeche de las amenazas urgentes o de las presiones sobre la desconexión del servicio y el pago de las facturas. 

Con frecuencia, los estafadores se aprovechan de la incertidumbre y el miedo que genera en la víctima la posibilidad de que le corten la energía para presionarla y que pague de inmediato. Comuníquese con el servicio al cliente de PGE para verificar el estado de su cuenta y las opciones de pago si alguien lo amenaza inesperadamente con una desconexión inmediata.  

No asuma que el nombre y el número que aparecen en el identificador de llamadas es legítimo. 

Llame a PGE directamente (503-228-6322) para verificar la información de la cuenta, al número que aparece en la factura mensual o en el sitio web de PGE. No utilice un número que se le brinde en una llamada o en una visita a domicilio inesperadas de una persona que diga ser representante de PGE.   

Esté atento cuando abra los enlaces en los correos electrónicos o los mensajes de texto. 

Sea precavido cuando abra los correos electrónicos o los mensajes de texto en los que se solicite información de la cuenta o el pago de una factura o se afirme que los envía directamente un empleado de PGE. Revise más de una vez la autenticidad de los enlaces antes de abrirlos, ya que pueden ser parte de una campaña de phishing diseñada para obtener información personal. 

Compruebe la identidad de los representantes de servicios públicos que lo visitan en persona. Si son empleados de PGE, podrán mostrarle la insignia y la identificación de PGE.  

Se ha informado que hay personas que se hacen pasar por empleados de PGE o que pretenden estar afiliadas con la empresa y que utilizan tácticas fraudulentas de venta o que presionan a los clientes para que paguen de inmediato una factura. Siempre exija que el visitante le muestre la insignia de empleado y, si es necesario, llame a PGE (503-228-6322) para verificar su identidad. 

Llame a la Policía inmediatamente si la persona es un impostor. Llame al 911 si está en peligro físico. 


Si un cliente cree que su información ha sido expuesta o que ha sido víctima de un fraude relacionado con una cuenta de PGE, debe denunciar el incidente a PGE al (503-228-6322). Los asesores del servicio al cliente hacen controles constantes para detectar intentos de estafa y trabajan en estrecha colaboración con los clientes para reducir estos incidentes.  

Para más información sobre cómo protegerse contra las estafas, visite el sitio web de alerta de fraude de PGE. El equipo de servicio al cliente de PGE está siempre disponible para abordar todas sus inquietudes y brindarle ayuda. Puede llamarlo al (503-228-6322). 



Acerca de la empresa Portland General Electric:   

Portland General Electric (NYSE: POR) es una empresa de energía integrada que genera, transmite y distribuye electricidad a más de 930,000 clientes y presta servicio a un área de 1.9 millones de habitantes de Oregón. Durante más de 130 años, Portland General Electric (PGE) ha impulsado el avance de la sociedad al suministrar energía eléctrica segura, económica, fiable y cada vez más limpia, a la vez que trabaja para transformar los sistemas de energía y satisfacer las necesidades cambiantes de los clientes. Los clientes de PGE han establecido el estándar para la priorización de la energía limpia, y tenemos el principal programa de energía renovable voluntario del país. PGE se compromete a reducir las emisiones de su suministro eléctrico minorista en un 80 % para 2030 y en un 100 % para 2040. El índice de igualdad de género de Bloomberg ha reconocido a la empresa por su compromiso con la promoción de un lugar de trabajo más igualitario e inclusivo. En 2023, empleados, exempleados jubilados de PGE y PGE Foundation (Fundación PGE) donaron aproximadamente $4.6 millones y ofrecieron 23,000 horas de trabajo voluntario a más de 400 organizaciones sin fines de lucro.   


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PGE customers urged to be alert for utility scams - 07/16/24

In light of recent reports of deceptive activity, Portland General Electric (PGE) customers should be aware of common misleading practices and ways they can protect themselves and their information.   

Since the beginning of 2024, customers have reported more than 1,117 instances of scams or misleading activities to PGE’s Customer Service Advisors, 783 of these targeting residential customers.  

While most deceptive practices reported to PGE target residential customers, businesses – especially small business owners – are also at risk. Scammers use various tactics to deceive unsuspecting customers, including posing as PGE representatives, making misleading phone calls, texts, social media messages and emails. 

The following tips can help customers recognize and protect themselves against fraudulent activities: 

PGE will never ask customers to pay their bill with a prepaid card, digital payment apps, cryptocurrencies or direct transactions with banking institutions. 

Register online or download the PGE mobile app to check account status and verify approved methods of payment. PGE representatives will never contact customers and ask for sensitive personal information such as social security numbers or banking information. 

Be suspicious of urgent threats or pressuring language around bill disconnects or payment. 

Scammers often rely on a victim’s uncertainty and panic over the prospect of a threatened power shutoff to pressure immediate payment. Contact PGE customer service to verify account status and payment options if someone unexpectedly threatens immediate disconnection.  

Don’t assume the name and number on caller ID are legitimate. 

Call PGE directly to verify account information (503-228-6322), using the phone number on PGE monthly bill or from PGE’s website – not a number provided by an unexpected phone call or household visit from someone claiming to be a PGE representative.   

Be aware when clicking links in emails or texts. 

Use caution when opening unexpected emails or texts asking for account information, bill payment or claiming to be directly from a PGE employee. Double check links for authenticity before clicking on them, they may be part of a phishing campaign designed to obtain personal information. 

Verify the identity of in-person utility representatives. If it is a PGE employee, they will be able to show a PGE badge and identification.  

There have been reports of people impersonating a PGE employee or claiming to be affiliated with the company while engaging in misleading sales tactics or pressuring customers for immediate payment on a bill. Always ask to see a visitor’s employee badge and call PGE (503-228-6322) to verify identity if needed. 

Call the police immediately if the person is an imposter. Call 911 if in physical danger. 


If a customer thinks their information has been compromised or they have been victim to a scam related to a PGE account, report the incident to PGE at (503-228-6322). Customer service advisors continuously monitor for scam attempts and work closely with customers to reduce these incidents.  

For more information on how to stay safe from scams, visit PGE’s Fraud Alert webpage. PGE’s customer service team is available to address any concerns and provide support and can be reached at (503-228-6322). 



Portland General Electric (NYSE: POR) is an integrated energy company that generates, transmits and distributes electricity to over 930,000 customers serving an area of 1.9 million Oregonians. For more than 130 years, Portland General Electric (PGE) has powered social progress, delivering safe, affordable, reliable and increasingly clean electricity while working to transform energy systems to meet evolving customer needs. PGE customers have set the standard for prioritizing clean energy with the No. 1 voluntary renewable energy program in the country. PGE is committed to reducing emissions from its retail power supply by 80% by 2030 and 100% by 2040. PGE is recognized by the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index for the company’s commitment to creating a more equal, inclusive workplace and was ranked the No. 1 utility in the 2024 Forrester U.S. Customer Experience Index. In 2023, PGE employees, retirees and the PGE Foundation donated nearly $4.6 million and volunteered over 23,000 volunteer hours to more than 400 nonprofit organizations.   



For information:     

PGE shares ways to stay cool and reduce electricity use during high heat - 07/08/24

As high heat continues today and tomorrow, customers can reduce energy use and support grid resilience


PORTLAND, Ore. — After several days of hot weather with higher temperatures forecast for tomorrow, there are several ways customers can stay cool and reduce electricity use during high heat. 

Over 200,000 PGE customers are enrolled in demand response programs like Peak Time Rebates and Smart Thermostat, which enable PGE to safely reduce power use on the system. These programs help alleviate overall stress on the electrical system when the hottest part of a day coincides with the highest peak demand.  

PGE continues to monitor the weather and its system closely and is ready to respond to service interruptions, should they occur. Over the initial four days of the heat event, PGE crews responded to several small, localized heat-related outages, restoring power quickly for customers. 


WHAT: Media availability - PGE spokesperson discusses ways customers can reduce electricity use and stay cool during summer heat.

WHEN: Monday, July 8, 2 – 3 p.m.

WHERE: PGE headquarters, 1 World Trade Center, 121 SW Salmon Street, Portland – Plaza


Summer power use typically peaks between 3 – 9 p.m. During these periods, residential customers can safely reduce energy use during high heat:

  • If you have air conditioning (AC), use your thermostat to manage temperatures carefully.
    • Increase the temperature in your home a few degrees, as comfort and safety allow, to help reduce power consumption.
    • If temperatures cool down enough for comfort, consider turning the AC off at night and opening windows (if you can do so safely) to cool with outside air. 
    • During daytime hours, run the AC only when you are at home and keep daytime temperatures at the highest comfortable level. Cool only rooms lived in. 
  • Avoid using large electrical appliances like ovens, dishwashers and washing machines during peak morning and evening electricity use periods.
  • If you charge an electric vehicle at home and are not enrolled in PGE's Smart Charging program, consider setting your car to charge during off-peak hours.
  • Sign-up for programs that help save energy and money
    • Peak Time Rebates rewards you for shifting your energy use during peak times – when energy demand and prices are highest. 
    • When you are enrolled in the Smart Thermostat program, your thermostat automatically adjusts a few degrees to shift your energy use away from peak times.
  • Learn more energy saving tips at

PGE employees are working to address or prevent potential heat-related equipment issues and lower energy demand, including:

  • Taking technical precautions to help keep essential distribution equipment from overheating.
  • Assigning extra crews to make sure we can quickly and effectively respond to any outages. 
  • Activating the Peak Time Rebate and Smart Thermostat programs. 
  • Encouraging commercial and industrial customers to reduce electricity use.

The high heat means customers are using more electricity to cool their homes and businesses. High demand places extra stress on electrical equipment, and that can lead to power outages. That is why it is important to be prepared. 

  • Have an outage kit with needed supplies ready just in case.
  • If you rely on electricity for your health and you are not yet a part of the PGE medical certificate program, call to enroll.
  • Think about food safety – make extra ice by freezing water in plastic bags so you can keep food cold if needed. Have thermometers in your fridge and freezer to monitor for safe temperatures and have foods on hand that do not require cooking or cooling. Find helpful food-safety tips at

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About Portland General Electric Company 

Portland General Electric (NYSE: POR) is an integrated energy company that generates, transmits and distributes electricity to over 930,000 customers serving an area of 1.9 million Oregonians. For more than 130 years, Portland General Electric (PGE) has powered social progress delivering safe, affordable, reliable and increasingly clean electricity while working to transform energy systems to meet evolving customer needs. PGE customers have set the standard for prioritizing clean energy with the No. 1 voluntary renewable energy program in the country. PGE is committed to reducing emissions from its retail power supply by 80% by 2030 and 100% by 2040. PGE is recognized by the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index for the company’s commitment to creating a more equal, inclusive workplace. In 2023, PGE employees, retirees and the PGE Foundation donated nearly $4.6 million and volunteered over 23,000 volunteer hours to more than 400 nonprofit organizations. For more information:

PGE encourages customers to safely reduce power use during extreme temperatures - 07/03/24

Conserving electricity usage during extreme weather events
can help support system resilience and reliability


PORTLAND, Ore. (July 3, 2024) — The National Weather Service has issued an excessive heat warning from Thursday to Sunday night that affects the Portland General Electric (PGE) service area. In preparation for high summer temperatures anticipated this weekend, PGE encourages customers to safely reduce power use to support service reliability during times when electricity demand is especially high. 

WHAT: Media availability - PGE spokesperson discussing ways customers can safely reduce power usage during summer heat.

WHEN: Wednesday, July 3, 9-10 a.m.

WHERE: PGE headquarters, 1 World Trade Center, 121 SW Salmon Street, Portland – Plaza


Summer power use typically peaks between 3 – 9 p.m. During these periods, PGE encourages residential customers to take the following actions as safety allows:

  • If you have air conditioning (AC), use your thermostat to manage temperatures carefully.
    • Turn the thermostat up a few degrees to help reduce power consumption.
    • If temperatures cool down enough for comfort, consider turning the AC off at night and opening windows (if you can do so safely) to cool with outside air. 
    • During daytime hours, run the AC only when you are at home and keep daytime temperatures at the highest comfortable level. Cool only rooms lived in. 
  • Avoid using large electrical appliances like ovens, dishwashers and washing machines during peak morning and evening electricity use periods.
  • If you charge an electric vehicle at home and are not enrolled in PGE's Smart Charging program, consider setting your car to charge during off-peak hours.
  • Turn off all unnecessary electrical equipment like home entertainment systems, computers, copiers and lights when not in use.
  • Learn more energy saving tips at

PGE employees are working to address or prevent potential heat-related equipment issues and lower energy demand, including:

  • Taking technical precautions to help keep essential distribution equipment from overheating.
  • Assigning extra crews to make sure we can quickly and effectively respond to any outages. 
  • Activating the Peak Time Rebate and Smart Thermostat programs. 
  • Encouraging commercial and industrial customers to reduce electricity use.

The high heat means customers are using more electricity to cool their homes and businesses. High demand places extra stress on electrical equipment, and that can lead to power outages. That is why it is important to be prepared. 

  • Have an outage kit with needed supplies ready just in case.
  • If you rely on electricity for your health and you are not yet a part of the PGE medical certificate program, call to enroll.
  • Think about food safety – make extra ice by freezing water in plastic bags so you can keep food cold if needed. Have thermometers in your fridge and freezer to monitor for safe temperatures and have foods on hand that do not require cooking or cooling.

Helpful Links


About Portland General Electric Company 

Portland General Electric (NYSE: POR) is an integrated energy company that generates, transmits and distributes electricity to over 930,000 customers serving an area of 1.9 million Oregonians. For more than 130 years, Portland General Electric (PGE) has powered social progress, delivering safe, affordable, reliable and increasingly clean electricity while working to transform energy systems to meet evolving customer needs. PGE customers have set the standard for prioritizing clean energy with the No. 1 voluntary renewable energy program in the country. PGE is committed to reducing emissions from its retail power supply by 80% by 2030 and 100% by 2040. PGE is recognized by the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index for the company’s commitment to creating a more equal, inclusive workplace. In 2023, PGE employees, retirees and the PGE Foundation donated nearly $4.6 million and volunteered over 23,000 volunteer hours to more than 400 nonprofit organizations. For more information: