For news or operating status, search below for your organization or click on a category.
Please note that not all schools or organizations offer the Messenger subscription service.
Those that do are marked with an asterisk (*) in the list below and if it is available, the organization's main page will have a field for your email address.
Boys & Girls Club of SW Oregon *
Boys & Girls Clubs of the Greater Santiam *
Brotherhood of the Badge
Community Supported Shelters
Corvallis-Albany Farmers' Markets *
Davids Chair Outdoor Mobility Systems
Douglas Public Health Network
High Desert Museum *
Hope & Safety Alliance
League of Women Voters of Lane County
Neighborworks Umpqua
Oregon Civil Air Patrol *
Oregon Clean Power Co-op
Oregon Shakespeare Festival *
Pearl Buck Center *
Sleep in Heavenly Peace *
South Lane Mental Health
Umpqua Valley Arts Assn.
Willamette Family *
Benton Co. Schools (4)
Businesses (6)
Cities (2)
Colleges & Universities - Public (2)
Colleges & Universities - Willamette Valley (8)
Coos Co. Schools (5)
Counties/Regional (45)
Courts/District Attorneys (12)
Douglas Co. Schools (14)
Federal (4)
Lane Co. Schools (18)
Linn Co. Schools (8)
Military (3)
No. Ore. Coast Schools (1)
Organizations (19)
Organizations & Associations (60)
Parks and Recreation (4)
Police & Fire (57)
PR Agencies (4)
Private & Charter Schools (15)
State (33)
Transportation (5)
Utilities (4)